
Inconsolable II (Letter #020)

Photo of baby Baobao howling.

In which Papa Zesser, after what was mostly a lovely day with his off-spring, considers the similarities between an infant who doesn’t realize she has gotten very tired, and a drinker who believes that an endless succession of “Just one more” will lead to eternal good time, and not sudden anger or tears followed by a brutal hang-over.

Maybe babies don’t work in such mysterious ways after all. Click the headline to read more.

Consolable after all (Letter #016)

Close-up photo of smiling baby.

In which Papa Zesser ponder a week that saw the emergence of not one — but two! — new teeth, amid much wailing and gnashing of teeth. And the baby cried quite a lot, too. (Click the headline to read more.)

Inconsolable: Letter #015

Photo of Papa Zesser holding Baobao the day after she suffered from teething

In which Papa Zesser reflects on pain following a miserable night, even as his Baobao plays happily behind him as he types; a far cry from the agonized howls that rang through the air 12 hours before!

Guess who’s up? (Letter #014)

Photo of baby on floor with toys.

In which an exhausted Daddy Zesser flashes back to the Bad Old Days, when sleep was a fleeting luxury, and curses his daughter with the wish that, someday, she too will become a parent, so that she’ll understand what she puts her parents through! (Click the headline to read on.)

Expectations and comparisons (Letter 013)

Photo shows three pictures of Baobao sitting with big brother Carl the Second behind her

In which Papa Zesser ponders sudden panic, the dangers (and benefits) of comparing cousins, and revels in a sudden accomplishment. Also, he finds himself disregarding the advice of Doctor Spock against his better judgement.

Happy stress day to us (Letter 012)

Selfie detail of a very tired Papa Zesser, 2020-04-19.

In which Papa Zesser looks back on 244 days of his darling Baobao’s life, and is forced to consider how lucky he and Raven have been – because yesterday was a hard day indeed. Click the headline above to read more …