Ass-holes (Letter #040)

In which Papa Zesser confessens to behaving badly, in the face of anti-maskers out in public.
Should he swear at people while out with his daughter? Almost certainly not! And yet, he did …
In which Papa Zesser confessens to behaving badly, in the face of anti-maskers out in public.
Should he swear at people while out with his daughter? Almost certainly not! And yet, he did …
In which Papa Zesser runs into his first fatherless expert in child-rearing (and his first non-scientist expert in vaccines and autism – or anti-vaxxer, for short), and discovers what so many other parents (and parents-to-be) have had to find out since time immemorial: That everyone else is an expert in how to raise your kid.
Spoiler alert: He didn’t like it very much.