
A spoonful of tedium (Letter #018)

Photo of Papa Zesser face down in his Baobao's play-pen

In which Papa Zesser contemplates the apparent sameness of child-rearing, even as he acknowledges that change happens. In other words, child care is hard, with a lot of repetition, despite the constant growth and change in their charges.

Click the headline to read more.

Guess who’s up? (Letter #014)

Photo of baby on floor with toys.

In which an exhausted Daddy Zesser flashes back to the Bad Old Days, when sleep was a fleeting luxury, and curses his daughter with the wish that, someday, she too will become a parent, so that she’ll understand what she puts her parents through! (Click the headline to read on.)

Sleeping on it

Detail of photo of sleeping Asta.

In which Papa Zesser realizes he is (almost) well-rested. Today and for several days (in a row!) previously.

Is it possible the trend will continue?

She got everything she needs …

In which Papa Zesser is roused at the un-godly hour of two in the afternoon by a shocking and disgusting development!

Oh sure, the little one looks sweet and innocent, but the truth is something very different indeed …