Bad Papa? (Letter #027)

In which Papa Zesser pens a letter of confession to his darling daughter.
First comes the cellphone as pacifier — whatever will be next? Read more …
In which Papa Zesser pens a letter of confession to his darling daughter.
First comes the cellphone as pacifier — whatever will be next? Read more …
One thing one can never say about baby foods (other than good Canadian cheddar, of course!) is that they are an especially spicy culinary genre. In the first year especially, such kitchen staples as salt, sugar and even honey are verbotten. So it takes more than a little imagination to keep baby satisfied! If the … Variety is the spice of spiceless foods
In which Papa Zesser ponders time’s swiftly flitting arrow, the sheer strangeness of playing soccer with people a generation (and more!) younger than he is, and finally, indulges himself in some picspam, since Raven took a number of really good shots.
Fatherhood ain’t all feeding and diaper changes, ya know!