Papa Zesser

Monster! (Letter #037)

Run! Run like you've never run before!

In which Papa Zesser explores a new, and difficult, phase in Baobao’s development — fear!

There was a monster in Baobao’s bedroom!

If any of you have had experience dealing with a small child’s “irrational” fears, please read on and feel free to share your experience!

Meanwhile, whether or not you do, read on (if you dare!)

Duck? A-muck! (Letter #035)

Why a duck? The inexplicability of a toddler's passions.

Introduction to Duck Amuck

In which Papa Zesser reports on two walks to a (semi) local duck pond connected to the Rideau Canal, and their connection to some of Baobao’s books.

Not only does Baobao use some of her books as menus, she also uses them — somehow — to make abstract connections to pictures in her books with elements in the real world.

Case in point: She was thrilled when we told her we would take advantage of the Good Friday holiday, to take her on a family walk to see … ducks! Duck! Duck! Duck!

Mama’s little helper (Letter #034)

Who cares about the buildings, Papa, I want to watch the buses on Wellington!

Introduction to Mama’s little helper

In which Papa Zesser recounts Mama Raven’s report of events which transpired while Papa was out returning Friday’s rental car, and dealing with a road closure that forced him to return the vehicle to a far-distant location.

Which irritated him.

Although, he was given a ride back to his neighbourhood, by a well-masked driver, so it wasn’t really a big deal, but Papa hadn’t had any coffee yet and so it felt like a big deal and he had a hard time keeping his temper at the service desk but he did manage to smile beneath his own mask so really everything worked out okay presuming that he doesn’t come down with Covid-19 despite the masks.

But Papa digresses. Take it away Mama!

The soggy, soggy mud of spring (Letter #033)

Who's the coolest toddler of them all?

Introduction to The soggy, soggy grass of spring

In which Papa Zesser is reminded by a frustrated Mama Raven of the primary purpose of this blog: To serve as a record for my daughter, of my daughter’s first years on planet Earth. To capture her milestones and setbacks, her triumphs and tribulations (if any).

In other words, to provide for her a little light on those years that none of us are lucky enough to remember come that years we might want to.

Well actually, the reminder is the proximate cause of this new Letter to My Daughter, but not what it’s about.

For that, you’ll need to read more.

Papa’s Diary – January 28, 2021

Whose snuggle puppy is whose?

No means no!

I’m sure most of us have unpleasant (or worse) memories of aunts or uncles who insisted on smothering us with unwelcome hugs and kisses when we were small. And too many of us had parents who insisted that we not “be mean” to that relative.

Recently, Baobao has been, playfully, saying No! to me. What’s a Papa to do?

Papa Zesser Sells Out (Letter #032)

Mama Raven photographs toddler baobao in full winter regalia.

In which Papa Zesser looks with wonder on his ever-changing daughter, two days after she passed her 17 month anniversary.

And also, contemplates with some discomfort, the new presence of advertising on this website.

Also: videos! Read more …