Lies, damned lies, and a small child

Baobao lied to me. She looked me right in the eye, and lied to me. And not just once. What to do, what to do …? Read more
Baobao lied to me. She looked me right in the eye, and lied to me. And not just once. What to do, what to do …? Read more
Papa learned a valuable parenting lesson this past weekend: It’s really easy to over-estimate your child’s readiness for things.
We took Baobao to the Luskville Falls trail in Gatineau Park on Saturday, where the southern tip of Canadian Shield descends into the Saint Lawrence Lowlands. Our intention: to hike at least part of the Luskville Falls Trail.
In retrospect, a pretty dumb idea even if conditions had been ideal. The National Capital Commission rates it as a “Difficult” climb, and we had a toddler in tow.
But it wasn’t the difficulty that made us turn around. Read More …
“And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
He chortled in his joy. — Lewis Carroll
In which Carl the Second becomes Carl the Hero! Red more …
In which Papa Zesser returns (at last) to report on how he and Mama Raven dealt with Baobao’s new-found terror of tower fans. Read more …
In which Papa Zesser reports on two walks to a (semi) local duck pond connected to the Rideau Canal, and their connection to some of Baobao’s books.
Not only does Baobao use some of her books as menus, she also uses them — somehow — to make abstract connections to pictures in her books with elements in the real world.
Case in point: She was thrilled when we told her we would take advantage of the Good Friday holiday, to take her on a family walk to see … ducks! Duck! Duck! Duck!
I’m sure most of us have unpleasant (or worse) memories of aunts or uncles who insisted on smothering us with unwelcome hugs and kisses when we were small. And too many of us had parents who insisted that we not “be mean” to that relative.
Recently, Baobao has been, playfully, saying No! to me. What’s a Papa to do?
In which Papa Zesser looks with wonder on his ever-changing daughter, two days after she passed her 17 month anniversary.
And also, contemplates with some discomfort, the new presence of advertising on this website.
Also: videos! Read more …
As a bad year for most of us in North America comes to a close (but a year which, I have to confess, was one of much joy for me personally) , I find myself posting a letter quite different from that I had hoped to write you on New Year’s Eve.
That was supposed to be a photo-rich retrospective, but I’m afraid it will have to wait. Meanwhile, I’ll reflect not on your general development but on a specific part of it. Namely, your penchant for correcting your parents’ mistakes.
Darling child, I dub thee Bésébodé!.